It’s time to take control of your data pipelines.

We'll make it easy.

Kodda leverages technology by seamlessly integrating into your existing infrastructure and harnessing the power of metadata generated by your systems.

Fast and powerful.

Kodda allows you to start configuring pipelines and manipulating data to provide a single source of truth at lightening speed. From optimizing load pathways to monitoring changes in objects, Kodda handles the monotonous tasks so that you can focus on analysis and insights.

Automatically generate SQL
Manage model definitions
Task sequencing and scheduling

Customizable by design.

Code or no code? Your data team knows best.

While Kodda allows you to generate pipelines with just a few clicks, we know the most difficult modeling challenges may require more. Whenever needed, harness the power of SQL for complex transformations to customize your pipelines.

Smart data delivery.

Rapid data delivery transforms insights into action, meaning your data team can spend less time managing data and more time using it to make a difference.

Browse and move data from sources such as Databases, API’s, and flat files. Our catalog is ever-expanding. If we don’t have a connector you need, we can quickly build one for you.

See Kodda in action:

data integration

Data integration, your way.

Choose to generate mappings with just a few clicks across entire schemas and tables, or write custom queries in SQL.

meaningful transformation

Meaningful transformations.

In addition to transferring raw data to a warehouse, Kodda has the unique capability to transform it into meaningful information used in analytics.

customized workflows

Customized workflows.

Customize sequencing with nesting and combine multiple mapping to automate entire pipelines.

ongoing monitoring

Ongoing monitoring.

Automate monitoring of changes to your schema to understand load failures and detect changes.

Robust dependability for pease of mind.

Abounding data sources.

Move data in any format. Salesforce, MailChimp, Google Analytics—the sky’s the limit. We are frequently adding new connectors to serve you better.

google analytics
AWS Redshift

Meet your data where it lives.

Capabilities to deploy Kodda either on-premises or in the cloud: No matter where your data is hosted, you’ll be able to bring it into the platform as your single source of truth.

A foundation of distributed architecture.

We know our platform needs the power to ensure your data is available when it counts. That’s why Kodda is built on a system of distributed architecture, amplifying our capabilities and making data management and processing a breeze.

Your mission is ours.

Accelerating time-to-value with Kodda couldn’t be easier.
Reach out to us and we’ll show you how.

Number of Integrations
Multiple Users
File Uploader
Workflow Engine
SQL Scripts
Data Dictionary
API Access
Up to 1 schedule job
Unlimited scheduled jobs
Number of Integrations
Up to 1 schedule job
Unlimited scheduled jobs
Multiple Users
File Uploader
Workflow Engine
SQL Scripts
Data Dictionary
API Access